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MAIL: John.lunco @
TELEPHONE: (46+) 707 60 35 74


Guldägget - Silver in craft - Matriket - Lidl
DN CUPEN - Silver - Angry child in car - St1

ONE SHOW - Nominated in sound craft - Sound Driving - St1
Bestads - Print of the Week - Find your phone - Three
Guldägget - Nominated in craft - Matriket - Lidl

Bestads - Print of the Week - Angry child in car - St1 

Bestads - Print of the Week - The Quadruple Print Samsung - Three 



Cannes Lions - Silver in film, market disruption - The minibuss / The cheap driver - St1

ONE SHOW - Silver in moving image, casting - The minibuss -St1

Guldägget - Silver in short film - The minibuss - St1

ONE SHOW - Shortlist in PR - Kiwi evolution - Lidl

ONE SHOW - Shortlist in Health & Wellness - Kiwi evolution - Lidl

ONE SHOW - Shortlist in Film writing - The Minibuss St1

100-wattaren - Nominated in consumer for Matriket - Lidl
100-wattaren - Nominated in consumer for  That's Lidl - Lidl
Resumé - Second place in Månadens idé - Sound Driving
Guldägget - Silver in short film - The minibuss - St1
Guldägget - Nominated for best short film - The Salesman - St1
Bestads - Best print of the week - Topped up offer - SOVA
Bestads - Best print of the week - Congrats to our competitors, SOVA
Resumé - Film of the month - The salesman,  St1
Roygalan - Nominated for funniest commercial - The minibuss - St1


Ranked the best Art Director in the world 2022 by Best Ads
Eurobest - Bronze winner for film craft script - The minibuss - St1
100-wattaren - Winner of 75-w in consumer “Sån är Lidl” - Lidl
Månadens kampanj - resumé Film - The minibuss - St1
Filmstaden - Best film of the month - Lidl: That’s Lidl launch
Bestads - Best film of the week - No unnecessary middlemen - Lidl
Bestads - Best print of the week - Fake news - St1
Bestads - Best print of the week - Flightless - Lidl
Bestads - Best print of the week - Flowerbeds - SOVA
Bestads - Best print of the week - Lidl: Don't settle for less
Bestads - Best Film of the week - St1: Only low prices - Minivan trueview


100-wattaren, nominated for Strategic Design - PLOQ
Ranked #3 best Art Director in the world by Best Ads
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA: What could it be?
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA: The black market
Bestads - Best print of the week - Lidl: The Vegetable Paradox
Bestads - Best radio of the week - St1 Gasstation: The internet review
Bestads - Best Outdoor of the week - St1 No reading glasses. Only low prices
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA: The cake mattress
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA: Adjustable beds
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA: Prepare for sleepless nights
Bestads - Best Outdoor of the week - SL: Look away


Ranked #2 best Art Director in the world by Best Ads
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA “Wake up Sweden”
Bestads - Best print of the week - SOVA “Pile of money”
Cresta Silver - Humour - Dear Haters <3
Cresta Silver - Large Format Billboard - Dear Haters <3
Cresta Silver - Outstanding Photography - Sova
Cresta - TV nomination - St1 Only low prices 
Cresta - ”Wish we’d thought of that” nomination - Dear Haters <3
Guldägget - Outdoor nominee - SL Dear Haters
Guldägget - Craft nominee - SOVA Sleeping woman
Best Ads of the week - SOVA Tempur
Best Ads of the week - SOVA Sleeping woman
Caples awards - Traditional media nomination - SOVA Sleeping woman
Caples awards - Traditional media nomination - SL dear haters
Caples awards - Ambient/Guerilla/Outdoor nomination - St1 Modern art
Caples awards - Traditional media nomination- St1 Modern art
Caples awards - Radical new strategy nomination - St1 Modern art


Telly Awards, Regional TV, Gold - St1 Modern art
Muse Awards, TV Advertising, Platinum - St1 Modern art
W3 awards, Gold winner - St1 Modern art
Lovie awards, Shortlist - St1 Modern art
100-wattaren, nominated for long-term effectiveness - St1
DN cupen, Third place for ”The scream” - SL
Best Ads of the week - “The Scream” -SL
Månadens kampanj resumé SoMe, Dear Haters - SL
Best Ads of the week - St1 the swing


Winner of the One Show Young Ones Client Pitch 2018 - The Dead Pixels
Future lions shortlist - Snickers advice device
Future Lions Shortlist - Nike Deaf never defeated
One Show Merit Award 2018 for - The Dead Pixels
One Show Merit ADC Award 2018 - The Dead Pixels
One Show Merit ADC Award 2018 - Brand View
One Show Merit ADC Award 2018 - Journey Skincare
One Show Merit Award 2017 for - Swipe Your Type

MAIL: John.lunco @
TELEPHONE: (46+) 707 60 35 74

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